
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

We spent this Easter with our good friends Kaila & Nick Heilgeist, and Shelby & Matt Beaumier. We had Easter dinner at Shelby's and everyone brought a dihs. I made the ham and broccoli, rice and cheese casserole, Kaila made some punch and a dessert. And Shelby made deviled eggs, rolls, and mashed potatoes. We all had a good day.
Shelby's sone Bryson
Jordan and I.
My friend Kaila and her husband Nick.
Matt, Shelby and their son Bryson
My awesome friends! :)

Kaila and Shelby's son Bryson

Monday, April 2, 2012


So, it's been awhile since my last update... But I just wanted to let everyone know that Jordan and I got orders to Barksdale AFB, Lousiana, in November! Jordan went to check into work Sunday morning and checked his email. He saw that he had orders, but when he tried clicking on it, thewebsite was donw. So Jordan went about his day at work and about 4 tat afternoon he messaged me that we had orders to Barksdale. We are both beyond exited! Barksdale wasn't our number one choice but now we are glad we have it. It's only about 2 1/2 hours from home! We have to leave by November 1st and have to arrive there before November 30th. We can't wait to be home more! :)
Barksdale AFB

Jordan's orders on his email