
Saturday, September 22, 2012


My last update was announcing our pregnancy. Well, I am now 24 weeks along and we have found out we are going to be having a baby BOY!! Jordan and I are beyond happy! We have decided to name him Zander Henry Mathis. The past 24 weeks have gone by way too fast! I had a very rough time in the beginning with morning sickness. I was in and out of the hospital because of dehydration from not being able to keep anything down. Zander really must have not liked me at first! Now he is busy kicking away and growing like a weed! Jordan was able to feel him move when I was about 18 weeks along in the pregnancy. It was such a great moment for the both of us! I have had a few cravings which happen to be Starbucks and Olive Garden. I would go to them both everyday if I could! Here are some pictures of the past 24 weeks! (Not in any order)

I am getting maternity/anniversary pictures done soon so I will upload those when I have them! But other than the pregnancy we are just preparing for our move to Louisiana in November and looking forward to getting out of Minot and being closer to home in a place that we are atually familiar with!
23 weeks


Zander's big foot.
His face. He is a little scary looking.
He had absolutely no problem showing his stuff out! Definitely a boy!
HIs little hand.

23 weeks.


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Baby Mathis!

As most of you already know, Jordan and I are EXPECTING!!!!!! We found out the news on Tuesday May 8th. Jordan was out in the field working, so we waited until he got home to tell people. I planned this big surprise to tell him but of course, I couldn't hold it in the next 2 days until he got home. We are both very very exited! And so is our family. Come January our lives will change in the best way possible! Right now all the charts tell me that I am 5 weeks and 4 days along. But I won't know for sure until I go to the Dr. And I cant do that until I am about 12 weeks. It's very annoying! But hopefully (if my boss lets me off work for vacation) we will be able to see or maybe hear it when we go home in June. So far I have not had any morning sickness. I have felt a little sick every now and then but so far nothing too bad. I do get really bad headaches and want to sleep ALOT! I know it's early in the pregnancy but we already have names picked out. Boy: Isaiah Henry Mathis. Girl: Hayden Malayne Mathis. We decided for the boy middle name to be Henry after my Great Grandpa that passed away this month in 2011. And for the girl, JOrdan just LOVES the name Hayden, if I even mention another name he gets mad. AAnd Malayne is after hi little sister Leslie. I will be about 7 maybe 7 1/2 months pregnant whenever we move! At least it gives me an excuse not to do any heavy lifting! ;) But anyways, like I said, we are very very exited and can't wait for all these new changes to happen!
I was more shocked than anything when i saw this! But we are very happy!

This is how we tolf facebook. My friendf Kaila and I went to walmart to get the stuff and we made this cute little onsie!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

We spent this Easter with our good friends Kaila & Nick Heilgeist, and Shelby & Matt Beaumier. We had Easter dinner at Shelby's and everyone brought a dihs. I made the ham and broccoli, rice and cheese casserole, Kaila made some punch and a dessert. And Shelby made deviled eggs, rolls, and mashed potatoes. We all had a good day.
Shelby's sone Bryson
Jordan and I.
My friend Kaila and her husband Nick.
Matt, Shelby and their son Bryson
My awesome friends! :)

Kaila and Shelby's son Bryson

Monday, April 2, 2012


So, it's been awhile since my last update... But I just wanted to let everyone know that Jordan and I got orders to Barksdale AFB, Lousiana, in November! Jordan went to check into work Sunday morning and checked his email. He saw that he had orders, but when he tried clicking on it, thewebsite was donw. So Jordan went about his day at work and about 4 tat afternoon he messaged me that we had orders to Barksdale. We are both beyond exited! Barksdale wasn't our number one choice but now we are glad we have it. It's only about 2 1/2 hours from home! We have to leave by November 1st and have to arrive there before November 30th. We can't wait to be home more! :)
Barksdale AFB

Jordan's orders on his email

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Picture Update

This is our cat Zeus. He doesn't do much but lay around all day. This is Jordans favorite animal becuase you can throw hima round and he just takes it. He always seems to want to play int he middle of the night and will let you know he is mad at you int he morning.
The day after I got back from Texas Jordan and I found a chocolate lab pup that we fell in love with. She is now 4 months old and has a ton of energy. We decided to name her Sophie.
The snow pile in our backyard from the lst snow storm.
The view from the frontdoor. SO MUCH SNOW!
The front of our house
Another view of our bedroom
Our room. It needs a little decorating
Our bathroom
The other spare bedroom
One of the spare bedrooms
Other half of the halway.
Closet and spare bedroom to the left. Another spare bedroom straight down
And our bathroom to the right.
alway once you coem up the stairs. Our room is to the left
Other part of the stairs
View of the living room from the stair case
Front door, closet behind it.
Down stairs bathroom
Entry way when you come into the door.
The living room
And Jordan playing guitar

Going out to the garage from the kitchen. Ignore the door with the whole in it.
Jordan just being stupid.

The laundry room


Another view of the kitchen

Dining room

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Our new life in Minot, North Dakota

Jordan and I left the wonderful state of Texas around 7:00 a.m to our new home in Minot. We drove all day and all night. We finally arrived at our apartment about 8:00 a.m the next morning. We began unpacking our stuff which took about 2 hours or so to do. Our little apartment filled up pretty fast, but we adjusted and became very comfortable until we could get a house on base. Things started going smooth until the Air Force decided not to pay Jordan any of his BAH money for off base housing. That was about $800 a month that they got mixed up and didn't give him. So for 2 months we were paying about $650 for rent his regular paycheck. Then, when they did decide to give us the BAH money that we had been missing, they decided they were going to give it back in small amounts one paycheck at a time. But, once things started going smoothly again we were doing great! I was very home sick the month or so. Especially coming from little ole Palestine where my family lived no more than 15 minutes away from me. I'm pretty sure I drove Jordan a little crazy. So to get out and do something everyday, especially the days Jordan was at work, a friend of ours convinced me to get a job at Olive Garden as a hostess. I got the job and really enjoyed working for a little while. I met some pretty nice people and made a few friends. But do to a few things I could no longer stand to work there anymore. One day I pretty much cried because I didn't want to go into work. Thats about how bad I hated it. About a week or so after that was said and done I finally got to fly back to Texas and spend Christmas with my family. I was there from December 15-Jamuary 20. Almost a whole month. Needless to say, I missed Jordan SO much while I was gone. But, I did get to come back to a base house! Finally, after about 3 months of waiting the housing office called Jordan and told him they had a house ready for us. Jordan moved everything in while I was back home. I was exited to come home to an amazing home! Now we are happy and doing great. We cant wait to see our family again!!