Our world changed forever on December 31, 2012. Our son, Zander Henry Mathis was borh at 1:19 PM, weighing 7 pounds 1 ounce & 19 inches long. The last few weeks of my pregnancy were nerve racking. I came into my 35 week appointment excited to meet my new Dr. and get another ultrasound of our baby. Everything was good, but the Dr. thought Zander was a little small for how far along I was. He told us not to worry and that at my 37 week appointment they would do another ultrasound and if he hadn't gained any weight or stopped growing than I would most likely have to have him early due to him not getting everything he needed. Let me tell you, that was the longest 2 weeks of my life. I was eating everything in sight thinking the more I ate, the more weight he would gain. We went in to our 37 week appointment and he had gained a pound, which is about what they normally gain towards the end of pregnancy, so the Dr told us everything was fine. He took my blood pressure and the usual stuff and as we were about to leave he stopped me and told me my blood pressure was a lttle high and I had too much protein in my urine so I needed to take home a 24 hour pee test. If I passed then I would be okay, but if I didn't I would be at risk for pre eclampsia and I would have to have him earlier than planned. So, we went home and went about our day. Friday, the next day, I went back up there to turn in my pee (how gross does that sound.) They told me they wold give me a call that evening with results. We left the appointment and went back to base. While I was getting some starbucks, and Jordan was looking at video games I got the call with my results. The nurse explained that I was on the boarderline of failing and my Dr. did not want to take the chance of me developing pre eclapsia within the next week. After the nurse was done explsining everything to me she told me to be at the hospital sunday night at 10:45 and I would be induced at midnight. So, 10:45 sunday night comes around and we are in the hospital. The nurse checked my cervix and I was only 2cm dilated so they gave me 2 doces of some medicine to soften my cerxix. After I had the medicine they said they couldn't induce me until 8:00AM monday morning. So from there we sat and waited. Jordan slept for a few hours while everyone else took turns coming in and out. I was not able to get any sleep due to being hooked up to so many machines and the cramping the medicine was causing me. So that morining I start my induction medicine and the dr said he would come by a little later to break my water. So then we waited a little longer. The contractions were getting a little bit more intense and closer together but it wasn't anything I couldn't breath through. PLus, they wouldn't give me an epidural until I was 4cm dilated. I didn't think I would need one by then but once that medicine kicked in I was begging for one. So, my water was broke and I finally had my epidural, which btw is AMAZING! I had planned on taking a nap now that I had something to take away the pain. I got in a comfortable position ready to take the best nap ever and I started feeling a huge amount of pressure in my lower back and butt. The nurse comes in to check me and told me we were ready to have a baby. So much for that nap. Anyways, she's getting everything ready for me to start and she notices the babies heart rate is getting a little low. So to be safe I had to wear an oxygen mask while delivering. Birth wasn't a bad experiance for me at all, thanks to the epidural. I pushed for 15 minutes and then they had to use the vacuum to pull him out because his umbilical cord was in his face. Once he was out is when things started to get scary. They pulled him out and sat him on top of me. So many feelings and emotions were running through me I wasn't sure what to say. I got to hold him for just a second before they took him to the table to clean him off. While over there they noticed he was retracting really bad. He was trying so hard to get a breath that you could see him rib cage. It broke my heart to see this. They automatically took him to the nursery and put him under the oxygen hood. After I was cleaned and ready to go they let JOrdan and I go into the nursery and hold him. It hurt to see him hooked up to so many machines and monitors, but we were happy just ot be able to see him. I had never seen a more perfect baby. I was scared, happy, nervous, excited all in one. The nurses explained to us that he was breathing way too fast and it needed to slow down some before they could let him be in the room with us. But sadly, after 2 days it hadn't slowed down any and they could no longer keep him in the nursery, so he had to be transfered to the NICU. I know there are people out there who have it alot worse than what Zander did, but when the Dr. tells you your baby is oging to the NICU, you really cant help but expect the worst. Which is exactly what I did. So, they get him to the NICU and I finally get discharged from the hospital. We emediantly went to the NICU to see him. I was so scared walking in there. My heart was pounding and I was on the verge of tears. But, as we walk in we see a nurse feeding Zander a bottle. We were speachless because the nurses at the hospital told us that he couldnt be fed by mouth becasue of his rapid breathing. The NICU nurse explained to us that they gave him a bottle to see how he would do and he did AMAZING! His heartrate and breathing had gone down to normal. Our poor baby was just getting so worked up over not being able to hvae anything in him besides an IV. The nurse told us that he could be taken home that night, but once being admitted to the NICU he has to stay for at least 48 hours. So while he was there they were going to treat him for his jaundice and if everything was still okay he could go home after the 48 hours. Luckly, everything was fine. His jaundice level had gone down and he was still breathing great. I was so happy we finally got to take him home after almost a week of hospitals. Now, he is doing great. Zander is almost a month old. He wakes up very little at night. And our family adores him. He has developed such a personality. Jordan and I couldn't be happier with the way things are going :) I will upload pictures shortly.